Hey, I'm Marvin. I founded Compound Leverage, an AI Stategic Advisory. Before that, I co-founded Ovalz with Albee Shanefelter.I write to strategic business leaders on LinkedIn and Beehiiv and advise companies how to use AI automation to reach a strategic goal faster.

Marvin Harris

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  • AI strategy insights and walk-throughs

  • Access to custom GPTs and AI Agents

  • Education resources and free training tools

I publish new posts on Tuesdays at 9 am ET.


Marvin Harris

"The only thing that is truly ours is our time spent; everything else is out of our control." - Seneca

I am passionate about sharing my information through my new newsletter, Compound Leverage. In it, I show how I use AI for bid analysis, proposal automation, and entrepreneurship in an AI-driven world.I am focusing on self-evaluation to apply compound thinking, research, and past experiences to create better habits. As an entrepreneur, you can get sucked into things that lead to failure without the right focus. I've experienced the results of doing too many of the wrong things with the wrong people, and I’m committed to helping others avoid my mistakes.How I Add Value:
Catalyst: Helping businesses increase win rates with an AI bid assistant we are building that combines your knowledge and workflows with AI. (Join the waitlist at compoundleverage.com)
AI Bid Assessment Services: Detailed audit of your past performance, proposals, competitive landscape, and content effectiveness, delivering data-backed recommendations at (compoundleverage.com/#bidassessment)Entrepreneurship: CEO at Compound and Ovalz ovalz.io (Links to both in my Featured Section)Advising: I support busy entrepreneurs and organizations by sharing my entrpreneurship with creating GPTs, AI workflows, and OKRs toOpen Doors Mentor: I am a startup and small business mentor with the Bowie BIC Open Doors program.Subscribe to My Newsletter:
In my newsletter, I share what I am doing to automate bid analysis, proposal automation, and entrepreneurship in an AI world. Join here - compoundleverage.beehiiv.com/subscribe
Join My Webinars:
I conduct regular AI "how to" webinars on bid analysis, proposal, and other AI how-to topics. View past and register for upcoming sessions at compoundleverage.com/#webinar.
Thank you for stopping by, and I wish you much success in what you are working on.

Attend an upcoming event

Let's rethink the way you approach AI, bid analysis, workflows, and goal-setting. Attend one of the upcoming events below.

Upcoming Events


Jun 26

11 am to 2 pm ET

Free AI business advisory and coaching through the Bowie BIC Open Doors program for small businesses.

Sept 25

11 am to 2 pm ET

Free AI business advisory and coaching through the Bowie BIC Open Doors program for small businesses.

Nov 20

11 am to 2 pm ET

Free AI business advisory and coaching through the Bowie BIC Open Doors program for small businesses to experience.

Jan 15

12 pm to 3 pm ET

Free AI business advisory and coaching through the Bowie BIC Open Doors program for small businesses to experience.

Mar 19

11 am to 2 pm ET

Free AI business advisory and coaching through the Bowie BIC Open Doors program for small businesses.